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Managing Employee Tags

An impactful tool that provides in-depth insights into your employees' engagement levels!

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Discover employee tags in your admin space on Vendredi!

You can find them in the "Administration" tab, under the "Business Units and Tags" sub-tab.

What is an Employee Tag?

An employee tag is a label that can be created on your Vendredi's platform to correspond to an attribute of your employees. The employee tag is a more specific category than the business unit.

Differences between Tag and Business Unit

Business Units are broad categories that generally correspond to your geographical departments and/or business entities, and allow you to customize the platform for users (employees, ambassadors, administrators). Among other things, you can choose to send certain emails by BU, define a number of solidarity days per BU, highlight content by BU, and have ambassadors by BU.

Tags, on the other hand, are finer-grained categories than Business Unit, visible only to administrators (no employee has visibility on tags, unlike BU). Tags are employees's individual attributes and are used to filter reporting and engagement tracking for more precise monitoring.

Filtering by Tag

If you have active tags with assigned employees, you can filter different tabs in your admin space, including:

  • Missions tab

  • Awareness tab

  • Reporting tab

  • Administration tab

Filtering your Reporting based on specific tags allows for a more detailed view of the engagement of a specific population or profile within your employees. Employee tags are there to help you align the reality of profiles, roles, statuses, and responsibilities of your engaged teams.

Some examples of common employee tag types in companies:

  • Team: with options such as "Marketing", "Operations", "IT", "Sales", etc.

  • Contract Type: with options such as "Permanent", "Fixed-Term", "Apprenticeship", "Internship", etc.

  • Population: with options such as "Field", "Headquarters", "Support", etc.

Vendredi allows you to create up to three tag type, with an unlimited number of options for each type of tag.

Setting up Employee Tags

⚠ It is imperative to create your employee tags in advance on the platform to synchronize them with your external files or protocols (such as SSO or SCIM).

Creating a Tag

To create a tag, simply go to your "Administration" tab, then "Business Units and Tags," and click on the "Create" button within the "Employees' tags" section.

To synchronize your internal classification and employee tags on your platform, several methods:

File Import

You can import a file of employees directly from your admin space under the "Administrator" tab, sub-tab "Users," by clicking on "Add" then "Import a file."

For tags previously created from the "Business Units and Tags" tab to correspond to individual attributes of your employees, download the template provided by Vendredi following column order, then import your file.

New users will be added, and tags will be updated. No tag can be created on the fly. It must be created in advance on the platform from the "Business Units and Tags" tab.

SSO, SCIM, API, or Google synchronization

If you need to synchronize your employee tags with SSO, SCIM provisioning standards, or via Google synchronization, contact the your resource person from Vendredi who will assist you in setting up your engagement process, along with your someone from your IT department.

We will organize a setup session to ensure that your employee tags are correctly synchronized with the dedicated attributes specified in your provisioning standards.

Once these settings have been made and the connection is on between your synchronisation console and the Vendredi platform, it is possible to create new tag options on the fly via the synchronisations mentioned above.

Example: you have a Team tag with the Marketing and Sales options already created on the platform. If the connection is made with a Team attribute on your side, and if within your console a new option is created as "Operations", then this option will also be created on the Vendredi platform.

Employee tags are a powerful tool that allows you, as an admin, to have more detailed data on your employees' engagement!

If you have any questions or need help creating or managing your employee tags, feel free to contact our support team!

Please note that if you decide to manage new personal information via employee tags on Vendredi, you are responsible for adapting your privacy policy. Vendredi allows you to enter these attributes but is not responsible for compliance with any personal data policy.

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